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Forum for Epiphytic Myrmecophytes

Myrmephytum species - pendent - Waigeo Island

Andreas Wistuba

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This species seems to be related to Myrmephytum "species 1" and the ones from Triton Bay. However the caudex is always pendent hanging with the help of thick roots and it is much more elongated than in species 1.

In comparison, "species 1" is always attaching itself to the tree with its broad base.

The flowers are much more delicate than the flowers of the plants from Triton Bay.











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extraordinary species


have you a macro picture to their flower ?


for me in a triton bay 2 species one close to the myrmephytum specie1    the other close to a myrmecodia  longissima  but it is just my idea.


the flower are not the same  one white  the other blue  ( more elegant,  with  these delicate lobe)



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