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Forum for Epiphytic Myrmecophytes


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Posts posted by Frank

  1. Hi all,


    I like the chances of this being H. spathulatum. The tell is going to be in the flowers with bracts in the enlarged nodes and with short red hairs on the calyx.  I can't see these well enough in the photos.  You should be able to tell with a good hand lens Satoshi.



    Here is the page of photos from the description of Hydnophytum spathulatum that Derrick cited in the above post.  The labels for the numbers on the photo is in the next message after the photo.




  2. Hi Andreas,


    Back up at message #10 in this thread you asked what temperature I was growing my Solanopteris at. I told you low 60s F at night and estimated day time as no more than low 80s.  Since then I have put a thermometer in the growing chamber and I can now say with certainty that daytime temperatures are only 10 to 12 degrees above nighttime - low 70s.



  3. Thanks Andreas,  I grow them in large terrariums with a room humidifier inside running all day long on a low setting. Humidity stays about 80%. A muffin fan moves air, again only during the day. A half inch offset to the glass lid on one end to vent. They are in my basement so night time temperatures drop to 59 winter or about 63/65 summer.  I have never checked day time temperatures in the terrarium but with the lights outside the glass top I doubt if it gets above low 80s at the most.


    The turning point to having them thrive was when I went to a very complex, homemade epiphyte mix for them.  Something around 40% long fiber sphagnum, about 20% coconut husk pieces (soaked 3 different times to desalt), about 20% tree fern pieces that I cut into roughly 1/2 to 1 inch squares, some charcoal, some perlite and some fir bark pieces like orchid growers like to use.  Before this complex mix I used just long-fiber sphagnum.  I think the plants like the more open nature of this new mix..


    I only fertilize when they start growing new stems and leaves and again when they start making the tubers.



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