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Forum for Epiphytic Myrmecophytes

Membership requests

Andreas Wistuba

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Membership requests for this community are handled fully automized.


The validation e-mail you get after requesting membership is very important. It contains the following information on steps to be followed in order to activate your account. The activation process is important to differentiate between a real membership request and a request created by a spam robot. All accounts that do not become activated within 3 days after creation are deleted automatically!



This email has been sent from http://myrmecodia.invisionzone.com/index.php

You have received this email because this email address
was used during registration for our forums.
If you did not register at our forums, please disregard this
email. You do not need to unsubscribe or take any further action.
Activation Instructions
Thank you for registering.
We require that you "validate" your registration to ensure that
the email address you entered was correct. This protects against
unwanted spam and malicious abuse.
To activate your account, simply click on the following link:
(Some email client users may need to copy and paste the link into your web
Not working?
If you could not validate your registration by clicking on the link, please
visit this page:
It will ask you for a user id number, and your validation key. These are shown
User ID: ....
Validation Key: .....
Please copy and paste, or type those numbers into the corresponding fields in the form.
If you still cannot validate your account, it's possible that the account has been removed.
If this is the case, please contact an administrator to rectify the problem.
Thank you for registering and enjoy your stay!



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