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Forum for Epiphytic Myrmecophytes

Myrmecophyte habitats worth visiting

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I am currently planning to visit Sarawak especially Bako National Park.  Can anyone recommend other areas to visit on Borneo Island or even Peninsular Malaysia where myrmecophytes can be photographed. Preferably relatively easy to get to.

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in the same area  you have also


-kubah national park (  unusual sandstone park  with many waterfalls)

-gunung gading natioanl park ( mountainous park with waterfalls  , home to the unusual rafflesia)

-tanjung datu national parc (mountains meet the sea )

 more far

-batang ai national park ( orang-utans-gibbons-hornbills&other native wildlife)


in bako park  you have 25 distinct types of vegatation  form and seven complete eco systems : beach vegetation, cliff vegetation, kerangas or heath forest,mangrove forest,,mixed dipterocarp forest, padang or grasslands vegetation and peat swamp forest.



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Bako National Park near Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo Island, is well known among informed enthusiasts for its high numbers of various ant-plant guilds. Just try googling "Bako National Park, Ant-plants" to find many images and postings.  Edit. As is often the case, some of the images are very inaccurately named such as this one.



Ant-plants somewhat unique to this region. http://serials.unibo.it/cgi-ser/start/en/spogli/df-s.tcl?prog_art=5971807&language=ENGLISH&view=articoli.

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for me papua new guinea (all) seems more richer and more interesting levels to rubiaceae.


bako park  is very interessant for their diversity ( eco systems)  and may be to see the biggest flower in the world  the rafflesia

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