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Forum for Epiphytic Myrmecophytes

ants inhabiting Myrmecodia lamii

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I am starting a new project focused on ants living in Rubiaceae ant plants. I’ve met a professional myrmecologist who studies, among other things, ants that live in symbiosis with plants, and together we plan to learn more about these insects. To begin with, I’ve turned to my favorite Myrmecodia lamii. I’m sending a few pictures of ants inhabiting the tubers of this species. The photos aren’t of very high quality, as my photographic equipment is suited for a different scale. I hope we will soon find out whether it’s possible to identify this species and what is currently known about it. I also have ants living in association with other species, but of course, the availability of material is quite limited. If you have any ants collected from plants in the wild and could send them to me, it would help greatly in expanding this project.




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