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Forum for Epiphytic Myrmecophytes

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My method of growing the imbricate forms of Dischidia is to have them both potted and mounted. The young plant is started in a pot and when the stems start growing over the rim, the pot is mounted onto a hardwood fitch ( the one shown is from an old telegraph pole) and the stems trained onto the timber. The advantage with this system is that watering is not as critical as in a plant that is just mounted, with this system the plant can always draw some moisture from the pot. This method is not that different to how plants grow in the wild, if a stem in a wild plant runs into a litter collecting fern for example it will infiltrate the moist litter and concentrate a whole lot of roots in this area to exploit the extra moisture and nutrients.


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Hi Frank, these poles are old recycled ones probably from the pre-treatment days and have been weathering in the elements for decades. IML stands for Iris Marie Liddle, the wife of the late David Liddle who was an Australian authority on Hoyas and Dischidias, he used his wife's initials followed by numbers for his vast collection. You can find specimens in nearly any Botanical garden or Herbarium worldwide using his numbering system, his collection of these plants was and probably still is one of the largest in the world. David used to travel through Asia, New Guinea and the south west Pacific Islands looking for new species and forms, his wife still runs the nursery in Mareebe, North Queensland.

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Hi Robert,

I'm a new member to the Forum and I loved the Dischidia pic. that you posted. I live near Brisbane and have a few Dischidia plants. I would love to buy some more. Are you please able to give me some contacts as to where I can buy some. Thanks and regards.....Rudi

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