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Forum for Epiphytic Myrmecophytes

The Nagoya Protocol.


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This must impact on myrmecophyte growers, especially commercial sources. Introduction, https://www.cbd.int/abs/about/  The protocol text, https://www.cbd.int/abs/text/

Presumably due to a fault in Invision's programming, sometimes clicking on certain URL's herein does not work, as in the first example above, which leads to an overview of the protocol's intents. One way of getting around this annoying anomaly is (for example) to click on the second url but then change the word "text" to the word "about" and then re enter it. Another method I have just found is when one first clicks on the wanted url which takes one to https://www.cbd.int/abs/about/.%C2%A0and an error message. Delete the .%C2%A0 (including the full stop) and then re enter the corrected url. 

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The US has signed but not ratified the Convention on Biological Diversity, the overarching treaty that guides and governs the Nagoya Protocol, so a moot point (so far) for US rare plant growers. While there is a movement amongst some public botanical gardens in the US to interpret the letter of the CBD in a strict sense, thus putting some of their germplasm off limits to privateers, this hasn't really stymied any private growers that I know of. In fact, with a few notable exceptions, some private growers in the US have far better diversity of rare plants in general and ant plants specifically in their collections than almost all of the global public BGs. One extreme example would be orchids.


There is indeed "strength in numbers".


As far as I know, real limitations on access of living material is really only a problem for people who crave very specific things locked away in the greenhouses of RBG Kew, the New York BG and some Brazilian BGs. If something is coveted and costly enough, someone will make an effort to bring it into cultivation in the US,  and/or Japan, and/or Taiwan, and/or the Czech Republic and/or Germany. Hydnophytines are not yet regulated by CITES, so have far fewer bureaucratic hurdles to leap than, say, members of the Cactaceae, Zamiaceae-Cycadaceae-Stangeriaceae, Nepenthaceae and some Bromeliaceae almost all of which originate from full-blown CBD treaty members. In spite of some being on Appendix I and thus quite restricted in international trade, I am not aware of any highly-desirable taxon from those families that are exclusively in tightly-restricted BG cultivation due to the CBD.


Anyone interested in a post-Rio Earth Summit/CBD example of a successful work-around by commercial horticulture of something whose origins lay in illegal trade should educate themselves on the minutiae of the discovery, controversy, subsequent prosecution charges by the US Federal government, and later legal propagation and commercialization of the Neotropical slipper orchid, Phragmipedium kovachii J.T. Atwood, Dalstrom & Ric. Fernandez. Legally-exported F1s are being bred across the world right now in large numbers. There is not a chance in hell that Peru ever sees a penny from US growers as compensation from subsequent generations.


I suspect that the immense and costly bureaucratic apparatus that has metastasized around the CBD is holding its breath that one fine day some fantastical "miracle drug" (preferably something sexy, like a silver bullet treatment for cancer) will be found in an LDC that will justify all this nonsense.





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