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Forum for Epiphytic Myrmecophytes

The Philippine Hydnophytum species ex-Pinoy Plants

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During 2006 and 2007 I imported seed from a number of ant rubiacs offered by Philippine plantsman Merlin Sy. While he is best known for introducing Myrmephytum beccarii into horticulture, at that time he also distributed several other very interesting species of indigenous Hydnophytum and Myrmecodia.


I received three Hydnophytum species from him during this period, two of which have now gone into second generation in my hands, while the third has proved to be free-flowering as an adult but reluctant to fruit thus far. Apparently, there were at least two species involved in his "Siquijor Island" accessions. Last Fall I received material from Frank Omilian that he obtained from PP around the same time that I did and identified as being from that locality, but  is visually very similar to what Andreas Wistuba has posted here under H. philippinense (?). In spite of age differences between the two plants in the images provided, it  seems quite obvious that they are different species. I have another (sib) plant that is being grown in a 10 cm plastic pot that has just started to flower.


I have not dissected flowers yet but have included images of flowers on a couple of the plants. Names used here are more convenient handles than actual taxonomic determinations. For size reference, the larger plants are in ~25 cm hardwood baskets, while the young plant is growing in a 15 cm basket.


Below are images of the PP selection of Hydnophytum formicarum Jack. It is exceptionally easy in cultivation, self-pollinates and has a very interesting ridged caudex.


Hopefully, these images are of interest to those growing plants accessed from Merlin in the past.





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