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Forum for Epiphytic Myrmecophytes

Fertilizing Hydnophytinae

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Hello all,

in my thread on Myrmecodia lamii in cultivation, Jeff suggested to use "high nitrogen fertilizers" - thank you Jeff!!!

For the last 4 weeks I started to use such a fertilizer on most of my Hydnophytinae (after having carefully checked for root tip damage under a Stereo Microscope after an initial testing).

The results are nothing short of being stunning! On many I have more growth in 4 weeks than I had in 6 months before. Leaf coloration looks much better, and plants are flowering and fruiting abundantly, that rarely if ever did before.

As a long time carnivorous plant grower I have to admit, that my "usual plants" do not appreciate "heavy feeding" and so I am absolutely not used to using large amounts of fertilizer...

After 4 weeks it is clear to me, that most of my Hydnophytinae must have been almost starving... ;)

I used this fertilizer: http://www.compo-expert.com/fileadmin/user_upload/compo_expert/de/dokumente/pdf/Produktinformationen_2014_Einzelseiten/Hakaphos_soft_Elite.pdf

It was applied once a week 0,5 g/l with this useful tool that allows to feed single pots easily without fertilizing everything around: http://www.birchmeier.com/de/content/produkte/aquamix-1-25-1.0/uebersicht.php?src=main

I just filled it with a 100x Stock solution.

I hope that there are no negative long term issues, but I am quite optimistic.

Thank you again, Jeff :)

All the best


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since several  year I use NPK: 23-5-5  without problem  on these plant ( but also on ant dischidia  and ant fern)


the goal is to compensate the loss of nitrogenous substances made ​​by the ant, a bit like Roridula (with bugs)


your method , root or leaves ?


NB: alternate watering once with fertisation once without :rolleyes:



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since several  year I use NPK: 23-5-5  without problem  on these plant ( but also on ant dischidia  and ant fern)


the goal is to compensate the loss of nitrogenous substances made ​​by the ant, a bit like Roridula (with bugs)


your method , root or leaves ?


NB: alternate watering once with fertisation once without :rolleyes:





Hi Jeff,

I watered with the fertilizer solution. General watering is depending on the weather but usually there are a few waterings without fertilizer in between. For usual watering I use reverse osmosis water. Occasionally, I substitute the RO water with Calcium and low doses of fertilizer that are sufficient for all the carnivorous plants. For this low level fertilizing I use a dosatron and adjust the conductivity to 250-300 Microsiemens.

All the best


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  • 11 months later...

Hello all,

just to give a short update on fertilizing trials:


I am still using Hakaphos soft Elite (24+6+12(+2)) but now often also use Hakaphos soft Novell (11+11+30(+3))

I might be wrong but my impression is that the Nitrogen heavy version mainly boosts foliage while some caudices have drastically improved since giving them more Potassium.


So now the Ant Plants get the low level basic fertilizer I also frequently give to my sensitive Carnivorous Plants (mostly Hakaphos soft Elite at 200-300 Microsiemens) and also get some Calciumchloride (1 mM) from time to time. In addition I feed Hakaphos soft Elite (1g/l) and Hakaphos soft Novell (1g/l) alternating between both whenever I have the feeling that growth is too slow. I try not to overdo in order to have beautiful plants and not inflated pumpkins.


Experiments are going on...


All the best



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many thank  for these infos .


what is the effect on the flowers   with this K = 30?


you know for growing amorphophallus tubers, we using phosphorus( P) may be also interessant for the ant plant ?



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many thank  for these infos .


what is the effect on the flowers   with this K = 30?


you know for growing amorphophallus tubers, we using phosphorus( P) may be also interessant for the ant plant ?




Honestly I've not taken too much care about the flowers. Currently lots of plants are flowering but with many, I never get any seeds... :(

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