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the genus dischidia

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my english is very bad excuse me :wacko:


in the ant dischidia  we have 3 sections



- and other to lie flat on the trees ( with root between )


may be in each section , put all the species which interest us .



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my english is very bad excuse me :wacko:


in the ant dischidia  we have 3 sections



- and other to lie flat on the trees ( with root between )


may be in each section , put all the species which interest us .



Section Conchophyllum are the flat ones. They are also referred to as the shell leaved species. It will be difficult to make a complete list as many of them have not been described but I can do my best.

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"Dischidia has been divided into three sections; section Ascidiophora (sometimes Ascidifera) that includes D. major and two other (now three other) highly evolved ant-house species.  Section Conchophyllum comprises the so-called (bivalve) shell or domed-leaf species that closely clasp trees thereby creating nesting spaces beneath. Section Dischidia encompasses the ‘normal’ laminate-leafed species such as D. litoralis, D. nummularia and D. ovata.  DNA evidence shows that section Ascidiophora and section Conchophyllum comprise a single monophyletic group confirming that ascidians evolved from a shell-leaved ancestor. (Livschultz 2000.)  All three groups have myrmecophytic members"


for the section Ascidiophora  no problem


for the section Conchophyllum  yes for the shell leaves ( lake a bivalve)  but the specie

to lie flat on the trees ( with root between )  are also in this section or in the section Dischidia ?


for the section Dischidia , with a 'normal' leave  ? what species in this section are myrmecophytic ?



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Okay I will try to do this from memory as I don't think there is an official list.  Furthermore, I will have to do more research on the laminate species that have ant relationships.


Section Ascidiophora:

Dischidia complex

Dischidia major

Dischidia vidalii


Section Conchophyllum:

Conchophyllum striatum

Dischidia astephana

D. albiflora

D. cleistantha

D. cochleata

D. cornuta

D. diphylla

D. imbricata

D. longepedunculata

D. milnei

D. platyphylla

D. purpurea

D. saccata

D. sp. Camiguin Island (often erroneously referred to as D. imbricata)

D. sp. Nueva Vizcaya (astephana look alike from Philippines)


Section Dischidia:

D. dohtii

D. nummularia

D. parvifolia (this is an assumption based on the fact it is often found with D. astephana)

D. rimicola


There are many others.  I will try to update the list once I do a bit more digging.

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then in the section Conchophyllum we have


-species with concave leaves,  lie flat on the trees, with root between  

-species with concave leaves, joined, full of roots (shell leaves)



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