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West New Guinea Provinces


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Because the western half of New Guinea Island was illegally annexed by Indonesia, I prefer not to call its provinces Indonesian New Guinea. There is some confusion as to current provincial names, so here is an update.  There are two provinces, here with maps compliments of the invaluable Wikipedia.



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Because the western half of New Guinea Island was illegally annexed by Indonesia, I prefer not to call its provinces Indonesian New Guinea. There is some confusion as to current provincial names, so here is an update.  There are two provinces, here with maps compliments of the invaluable Wikipedia.




Hi Derrick,

according to this, only the Vogelkop would be West Papua and the rest of "non independent Papua" would be Papua.

Some years ago, people in the Indonesian area called this part Irian Jaya and now they call the whole area West Papua. What a confusion of names...

All the best


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The confusion is because sitting south of Vogelkop (the Birds Nest Peninsula) is another peninsula with two points, one jutting to the west and the other to the south. This is the Bomberai Peninsula.  Both peninsula comprise West Papua Province. Vogelkop Peninsula has an isthmus to the Bomberai Peninsula that in turn has an isthmus to the central New Guinea land mass, hence to Papua Province. Triton Bay is on the Bomberai  Peninsula not on Vogelkop sensu stricto.

More detail here.  http://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Observing_the_Earth/Bird_s_Head_and_Bomberai_Peninsulas_of_Indonesian_Papua


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