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Forum for Epiphytic Myrmecophytes

Forum issues

Andreas Wistuba

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Hello all,

I find it very disturbing that a few of the very few really active members start to fight. Flame wars are the best way to ruin internet communities!

You know that I was quite unsure how to continue running this place and the most important reason to continue was the fact that there is no better forum on ant plants on the internet and this is mainly because of the contributions made by Derrick and very few others.

Seeing the latest developments is very very frustrating for me.

I am against strict "censorship". This was the first time I removed postings, apart from clear spamming. It might be too late anyway but I'll certainly not continue putting time and money into this if valuable members fight against each other instead of pulling together.

Please, please, please - take a breath and then try to "talk" to each other privately. By e-mail, on the phone or by personal messaging.

I do not see any real reason for any dispute.

All the best


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