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trim on hydnophytum


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Yes, I trim and shape my hydnophytums from time to time, both seedlings (when twisted) and older, well-established plants. I don't use the cuttings for propagation, but have in the past. I actually think that the H. moseleyanum type plants visually benefit from selective removal of branches when they are large. No problems with plants even after clipping one cm thick branches, using sterile pruning shears.



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many thanks for your answer , it is OK also for all the formicarum variety ?

have you also some idea to eradicate the cochineal ?  I use an oil :malathion + paraffin without great success



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Yes, I've removed stems from formicarum, perangustum, simplex, etc. as well.

I use a combination of systemics and contact insecticides on my plants, incl. Safari (Dinotefuran as drench and occasional spray)and malathion in combination with a wetting agent. Imidacloprid is excellent when used as a drench for these plants, but I believe this product is banned in the EU. Light mealy bug/cochinilla infestations may be controlled with ethyl alcohol + water at 1:1, but must be washed off after several hours to avoid burning new growth.

Summer oils not too effective, in my experience. High quality pure neem oil + surfactant used as a spray is better, but temps cannot be high, and coverage must be 100%.

Good luck,


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many thanks for your answer , it is OK also for all the formicarum variety ?

have you also some idea to eradicate the cochineal ?  I use an oil :malathion + paraffin without great success




Perfekthion (Dimethoat) will to the trick.

Some formulations of Imidacloprid are still available - at least on the professional market - e.g. Confidor.

However I have to admit that I always prefered Dimethoat.

All the best


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