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Forum for Epiphytic Myrmecophytes

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Hi everyone 


We have a Lecanopteris deparioides at our BG - Meise /BE but it's really not doing well. It didn't produce leaves for more than a year.


The rhizoms are still green, a litle grow showed up this summer but the small ( +-  1cm) leaf died already, no other form of life to see for the moment!


The plant is mounted on cork an hangs in the tropical greenhouse at 18°C - 30°C - Got misten often + small doses of fertilizer NPK 13+3+15+11CaO+3MgO


Can I split the + - 30cm ∅ rhizome to stimulate some grow? 





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Hi Christophe,


I've try Lecanopteris on vertical bark, but they don't really appreciate it at long term...

If they grow well the first months, they become to dry and died after several years. The best results I had is in open pots with coarse peat and perlite, with a lot of osmocote.


The best,



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for the fern , I use no fertilizer.


this method of pot, that I used from the beginning for me do that by default, I'll find my way now to this new method (used by many amateur epiphytic orchids), a porous pipe clay (so with reservation of water) that gives roots still some moisture.


I'll just use a normal clay pot, by sealing the  holes, fixing the fern has vertically on the face and filling it with water.



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